The world you see through your eyes is not the world the rest of us live in. To you the world is there to cater to your every whim like a spoiled prince and his kingdom. Stuck in some ‘fairytale,’ you tend to have rather foolish views on the world, and because of your selfish nature you’re childish and immature. You’re quick to start a fight, but should confrontation be established you’re quick to flee. Honestly you’re a rather pathetic person who needs to cling and have something to anchor you down in this world to maintain some sense of sanity or you’d otherwise be truly insane. Where to really begin? Not only are you the biggest coward on the face of the earth, you also rely almost entirely on the consultation of your sibling, who just uses you for their own benefit. And, holy SHIT do you have issues! Not only are you mentally imbalanced, you’re also quite a convincing Alexia. |
What Biohazard character are YOU most like?
quiz by kotoludi
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