Monthly Archives: February 2004


so i’ll add another one to the list….the QT girl isn’t speaking to me anymore it seems, after a month of silence i finally saw her at work and she didn’t even acknowledge my presence. last time i saw her was at the club a month ago and nothing unusual was said or happened….so who […]

yes im alive….

i’m here….im just an asshole that never updates. please send donations of sex and candy to increase my posting attempts.

thanks oldschoolgoth…

i think you gave me these songs from Corporate Avenger…and i’m starting to like them alot, not for the “message” but the beats…good stuff.


wow…. HOW BIG IS YOUR PENIS by supanic USER NAME FIRST NAME 1-16 14 Created with quill18‘s MemeGen 2.0!


im sick! who gave me a damned cold??!