Monthly Archives: November 2005


i feel sickly…someone take care of me. 🙁

yay brains! jd

happy fucking death day, jeff dahmer, you sick fuck.

giant pussy

giant australian pussy!

black friday…

…can kiss my ass! i’m so glad i don’t work retail anymore…….. sorry for those of you that do…it’s not a judgement…..but it FUCKING SUCKS to work the black friday. purchase generic cialisbuy sildenafil viagra


so, i’ve had a few chats with a very cute, very entertaining, very interesting girl over the past couple of days. my interest is piqued, we’ll see what happens.

NOTHING fucking rhymes with orange…

and lesser news, Nov 22, 1993, Anthony Burgess dies. he was the author of “A Clockwork Orange” and was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1959 and was told he only had one year to live.

put me in the motorcade…

JFK assassinated, nov 22, 1963.


i saw the new harry potter tonight, and oh man…it kicked ass. — Katy Cook I totally agree! It was the best book in the series though…a lot more “action” than in any of the others! 🙂 Talk to you soon! Reply5 years ago

in excess is right….

nov 21st 1997, lead singer of INXS Michael Hutchence found hanged in his hotel room at the ritz-carlton in Sydney Australia. Police have denied that his death was due to “autoerotic aspyhyxiation.” Hutchence is survived by his daughter, Heavenly Hirani Tiger Lily.