Monthly Archives: February 2007

feb 28th

today is my mom’s bday. happy birthday mom! i went to visit her today, she makes awesome roast beef and mashed potatoes. all of you are fucking jealous to the core. and no, my mom is not weird…my family is very very normal compared to me…so, take a guess…who’s the outsider? who’s the fuckup? 🙂 […]

atrophy pt 2

you are my rock…you are the one keeping me sane and keeping me from snapping…my love is infinite and it scares the everliving shit out of me. i never thought i’d care for another person this much, and sometimes i just don’t know what to do. i still feel so at home and so comfortable […]


i’m fucking worn out. how bold of a statement is that? i’m mentally and physically thin. so much shit has happened over the past 4 months…good and bad… “so impressed with all you do, tried so hard to be like you” it almost reminds me of a time back in 99 when everything was just […]

maturity level and respect of friends, excerpt

i actually posted this as a comment/reply to another friend’s post, so some of it is a little “directed” at that, but it was way too long to not keep and post as a solo blog, since i feel that there are some lessons to be learned from it. get pissed if you want, but […]

my return to the workforce

after a lengthy hiatus, i’m starting work again Wednesday at 8am. that’s in like 7 hours. you know, it’s gonna be lonely sleeping in my own bed tonight, not to mention sleeping alone, but it will be a pleasant start on a new beginning for tomorrow.


But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

i love your whining.

it’s so adorable to hear you whimper and whine as i quietly sneak out of your bed…and the way you clumsily grasp at me to hug me and wrap around me so that i can’t leave. you’re so helpless…so blissfully blind to the world because of your slumber…yet the slightest motion from me will cause […]

blah revisited.

well, i AM fickle. i don’t think there’s any way that i can keep my mouth shut. perhaps i’ve simply been too gracious in the things i’ve said, and now i should simply let my tongue loose. i’m spending too much time worrying about other peoples’ feelings and how i’m going to hurt them with […]


i think i may be done writing for a while. possibly random bullshit meaningless posts will continue, but i think i’m just gonna keep my mouth shut for a bit. of course, then again i’m fickle…and i may just erase this post and pretend it never happened. ——- thomas dunlap werd. fag. Reply5 years ago […]