Monthly Archives: August 2004

recent epiphany

I talk about people all the time. Actually, I only talk about the ones that I care about I guess. I don’t find myself talking about strangers, only about people I know. How strange…I hadn’t realized that til I just typed it. this was an excerpt from a convo i was having with someone at […]

add me

add this to your friends list, it is my second journal: i tend to post more pics to this journal because it is easier, but i plan on using both journals for text entries as well, so if you want to keep up with me, then add this one to your friends list, or […]

shuckery fuckery

i think i’m losing direction and momentum again. i wonder how much i really care about other people, or moreso, my ability to care about others…i’ve grown so apathetic and cold recently and it bothers me to think i might not shed my newfound happiness in being alone. others just cause so many problems it […]

2nd bellybutton (pic is upside down)

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2nd bellybutton (pic is upside down)

2nd bellybutton (pic is upside down)

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i saw my lil jen saturday night…she’s turning into a sexy little beast. she seems shorter than i remember her, i can’t believe it could be that long that i haven’t seen her and can’t remember her height…guess it has been quite some time. it was great seeing her…i really miss our long phone convos […]

New tat2

New tat2

savvy bitches

Your Pirate Crew LJ Username Name of your crew The Yellow Kittens Name of your ship Johnny’s Love Your first mate: lovegoth Your gunner: dabby Your navigator: blueraine Your cook: xillah This quiz by OldSchoolGoth – Taken 5 Times. Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz