signs signs everywhere a sign…….

OMG….all i can say is OMFG….Signs was a great movie, well worth the mortgage loan it costs to see a movie these days. casting was cool, dialogue was cool, it kept interest well, didn’t have too much along the lines of “slow parts” so all in all a cool flick. i had an absolute blast tonight. great company and great times. it sucks that we didn’t get to have that going away party for amy though 🙁 we need to have one for jennifer too, it was kinda shitty that no one ended up going over there and had made other plans so quickly. GO SEE SIGNS! i’m having a lot of fun lately, it’s too bad that i haven’t spent time with some of my other friends….i’ve made attempts but it seems to be futile. i guess i wait until someone decides to talk to me. you people know me better than that. i saw tons of nasty hookers, whores and tramps out at ihop too….disgusting.

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