another strange dream

so i dreamt of another woman…i can’t pronounce her name though, i said it the whole time in the dream, something so odd and so unique, it was like t’something, t’eiga or something that sounded like that. anyway, it was like i was in a different toys r us or something, and she was part of a new crew that worked there, and i first met her in a convenience store. we got to talking about music, she was related to someone in an old band (the mamas and the papas…how fucked). anyway, we hit it off well, i ran into her at the store and we got to talking again, of course, as things ALWAYS are for me, EVERYONE and their fucking dick decided that we shouldn’t have anything to do with each other, they tried to keep her away from me and whatnot….so nothing new there. kinda ironic that i found a “connection” within a dream, i’m so desperately trying to ignore any connection i have with people right now. they just don’t help the situation. so, we had our little flirtatious encounters throughout the time, the giggles and the smiles, the things that should happen when feelings are, how you say, “mutual.” we hugged, we laughed, we talked about things that both of us enjoyed, things were grand…i got her phone number as she wished that the time would never end….she knew that we wouldn’t see each other again. i think she lived in washington or something, i just remember the first part of the number was 777-777- something. i walked away from her in pain and anguish….i was gone a few minutes then i realized i didn’t know if the number was all there, so i chased around looking for her, i finally caught her before she left, we embraced and kissed, we both looked at each other like we knew what was going to happen….i was going to have to wake up. she watched as i disappeared and my real eyes opened…. i’d really like to know where it is i go when i try to sleep. ah well. i’ll find her some day. as for the other life, i think it has been the first night in a couple months that a certain person hasn’t been in my dream, i’m not sure how to take that one. perhaps i finally let go. time will tell. i made a small um, well, some may call it a mistake. i sent an informal, non personal email to someone from my past, it may have repercussions i didn’t foresee, but so be it. it was a simple hello and wishes for happiness. maybe it needed to be said for me to let go of some of the anger.

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