some things just aren’t wordable….some things just aren’t meant to be expressed. there are certain types of pain that slide through your body and cause you to rethink your current situation, that pain can be pleasant and wanted, or uneasy and mysterious. i had a pain creep its way through my chin and neck and worm down my throat to the pits of my stomach…i can’t say it was pleasant, it was reassuring that i had emotion, nonetheless. i don’t want to feel that nauseating pain again, and so i’m not. i sat with that pain before, it takes a while to get the taste out of your mouth. people cause certain reactions that can instill or erase that pain, i’ve seen it all too many times. things have returned to normal. normal feelings, normal responses, normal events. no connections, no cosmic bonds, no reasons for events. things sometimes just happen. not everything is meaningful, not everything is synchronicity, and not everyone is a message for you to receive. some people just exist. –Yesterday’s got nothin for me, old pictures that i’ll always see….—Guns n Roses