i like pie.

being happy rules. seems like my ideas of what happiness are keep being recreated and molded into new things, and i think most of it comes with maturity levels. i’ve heard some things lately that would cause a lot of fear and confusion, but it simply made a bond grow stronger. i don’t scare that easy, i already said that 😉 i can already tell that i’ve found something truly meaningful and perpetual, things just get better on a daily basis. i haven’t felt so happy and yet so distant and alone all at once, i honestly feel like myself and yet have a connection to another person…i yearn when we are apart, yet i don’t mope and pout…i can actually enjoy the time away, knowing that i will see her soon enough. i’ve again been allowed to be my self, an action which has become so hard to do lately. i’m sick of trying to please people, i’m sick of giving people more chances than they deserve, i’m sick of putting so much faith in such hapless creatures. as i always said, there WAS a creature out there that would appreciate what i am, and it seems i’ve found her, and wouldn’t you know it, she exists in the (sexy) body of an aquarius. and a loud Happy Birthday to my friend H011y!

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