if i had only known things could be so much fun, i would have never wasted so much time on those things from the past….i have someone i can hang out with and just TALK….no expectations…. hell, we went to best buy, and she was actually EXCITED to go….that’s pretty unusual for me to see. most girls are like “fuck no i’m not going to best buy with you” when i mention it….it was such a pleasant surprise. i guess the scariest part of it is that i can really see spending a LOT of time with stacey, in a long-term fashion, that is…she’s simply the greatest. no fights, no jealousy, no disgust…no judgement, and the biggest one would be no COMPARISON. i don’t feel i am being seen as 2nd best compared to anything, and i don’t feel any comparison of her to any other women….my mind has totally been wiped clean of even wanting to search elsewhere…. i don’t know what else to say…i have to get ready for work…. i LOVE my life right now, and all that is in it. thank you for being the angel i sought out, stacey.