Monthly Archives: November 2002


so they changed my medicine….i went from my happy pill to a new one, and it has definitely made some “hard” changes. it has been noticeably less direct than the meds i was on, i feel a bit more “neutral” and less “always happy.” i don’t know if it’s a good thing, but i definitely […]

do i make you….wait….do i make me…..?? um…

How Horny Are You? Find out!

ooh baby

What sexy girl are you brought to you by Quizilla

nearing time….

i figure it’s time for me to post something a bit more in depth than a simple “i’m having a great time” post….so here we go. it seems i have found myself in a remarkable predicament lately, the times that i thought would never end finally did, and the times i felt would never continue […]

just a sample..

for those of you that want to venture into other forums that i pretend to be an active part of…….enjoy.

i steal ur bebbiez!!!

“Which ‘Labyrinth’ Character are you?” brought to you by Quizilla


What kind of Freak are You? brought to you by Quizilla

mmmm yess

Which Episode I & II Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla


Which Angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla You are the Blue Angel. You have powers over all water. Any place by a body of water is your home because the gentle sounds calm you. You’re a leader among all and you would never stear anyone wrong. Sure your moods may change like the […]

stretch out my neckbone

how would you commit suicide? YOU WOULD HANG YOURSELF. you both crave and fear death. you’re fairly certain that you wouldn’t actually commit suicide, but you often fantasize about it because you can’t think of any other way to escape living a life that you hate. you’re wary about doing anything irreversible and you have […]