Monthly Archives: February 2003


You Are A Juicy Kisser! About Your Kissing Style: Your lips are totally kissable baby, and you know how to use them. You are the perfect – with the right combo of lips and tongue. It’s important to flaunt it, so kiss early and often on dates! What Your Kissing Style Says About You: You’re […]


Self improvement is masturbation. I say, may we never be complete.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

or in the words of those less literate, Happy Valentimes Day! to all my lovely ladieth out there…i hop you have a thpecial day today, ladieth!

i think i like straight boys…cuz i don’t worry about them hitting on me! (yes, its a gay quiz, and all in fun)


sleep dammit!!!!!!!!1111111111


You Are Totally a Lesbian Someone would have to be blind and deaf to miss out on the fact that you are a lesbian. You’ve been checking out women for so long that you’ve gotten it down to a science. You love tits and legs and smarts. You enjoy sex with ladies, from kissing to […]

do i make you horny babay…….

You Are Occasionally Horny Sex? You don’t see what the big deal is all about. You like to make love on occasion with the right men. But all of this talk about threesomes, porn, and being tied up? You don’t think so. You’re a true romantic. What makes you horny is simply talking and getting […]


You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, […]

is this me?

Cougar What Is Your Animal Personality? brought to you by Quizilla


look, i love the fact that people read and comment on these things, and i love the fact that people are ok to express their wishes, dreams, and feelings, and at the same time, people have to understand that we as journal users are simply expressing our innermost thoughts and feelings, and are NOT requiring […]