sucka ass booch

i think life is too easy instead of too difficult…call it an epiphany, but i think i’ve started to figure it out. I’M the one who doesn’t have to change emotion based on the actions of others, i can continue with my same path. all these people involving themselves in emotional issues are the ones that have trouble living and trouble understanding….and i can look back and say “i see where the problem is” or “i see why you are upset.” it is easy to lose faith in humanity while watching how easily people are bent and rearranged. i find solidity in another and think it may be possible to pursue a relationship, and then they usually start showing the frailty of human nature just like all the rest. i’m learning to see that it isn’t me, it isn’t my lacking or coming up short. it’s THEM. you people are too fragile, you’re too uneasy with your own lives and mental states. i am the ultimate best friend, and seemingly the worst lover. it’s time to indulge in being that friend, and instead of being pissed off when people “insult” by saying i would make a great boyfriend (for someone else) i should start knowing it. it isn’t my loss that those people want a cock and they don’t understand what is true happiness, i’m not the one to teach them. all of you will stand and fall so many times in our short space on earth, and perhaps i’ll be there for both, or perhaps i’ll be pushed away. we are the masters of our own emotional capacities, and only others can influence how we react. don’t let them. “i fuck you because i loved you. i fuck you for lovin you too. i don’t need a reason to hate you the way i do.” -mm

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