Monthly Archives: May 2004

it should be less….i’m spicy!

How High Is Your Sex Drive? Name Age Gender Your Sex Drive Level Is.. – 78% This QuickKwiz by eva71 – Taken 144281 Times. New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

why so long….

i can’t remember the last time i cried….i think it’s time to try at least….

new epiphany…

my weekly epiphany for all those in desperate relationships… if your significant other says to you “i just don’t know what i want right now and i just need space” then they are OBVIOUSLY not content enough or committed enough to say “i want YOU.” if they “don’t know what they want” then you have […]

daily horoscope…

Daily Extended Forecast for May 10, 2004 Provided by Treasure hunters show up at your door. If you didn’t already know, you’re some kind of prize. Why else would so many be so interested? At the moment your true value to humanity is glaringly obvious. And if this isn’t an invitation to treat yourself […]

i forgot something…..

May the Fourth be with you.


so what the hell is attraction? is it the yearning to be close to someone? is it the yearning to fuck someone? is it the yearning to elicit an emotion? …..or could it be something utterly superficial that is only related to our own subjective vision of aesthetics….who knows. i believe i’ve ran into a […]