Monthly Archives: June 2004


Are you feeling radical? Rebellious? Unfit for ‘normal’ humans? No way. But try to resist the urge to tell the horrified diners at the next table to ‘just loosen up.’ thanks yahoo horoscope…thanks for continuing to make me think i’m not human by noting i’d actually talk about people as “humans” and denoting i’m not […]

jacobs ladder cont

Jacobs Ladder is the ladderr leading to heaven as seen by Jacob in his dream, alternatively it is a device for generating a series of high voltage plasma arcs that ascend twin diverging conductors before dissipating into atmosphere. Jacobs Ladder

and one more thing…

I REALLY FUCKING HATE WHEN PEOPLE TALK ABOUT A “JACOB’S LADDER” !!!! people…let me help you out….it is a fucking FRENOM ladder, it has NOTHING to do with a “JACOB’S LADDER” at ALL. maybe if someone’s name was Jacob, it could be a jacob’s ladder. but it is NOT called jacob’s ladder. and hell, to […]

i had a dream last night……and it fit me like a glove…..

i had a strange dream, even by my standards….the girl i was with changed into about 3 different people if not more throughout the course of the dream…once it was D, once it was crystal, once it was danya…and possibly it coulda been one more, but i dont remember for sure. the only parts that […]

dream fragmentation

plane…american (or my side)….misplaced bomb…convention/arena….bomb fell out, bounced a body up and down 50 feet…several deaths…all accidental from bomb dropped from plane… laying with some girl…not sure who it was, maybe 2 of them, or they kept changing faces. i remember the blood from the bouncing body and the bomb, news crowd there as well…


i dont know why im so fuckin cold i dont know why it hurts me…all i wanna do is get with you and make the pain go away…why do i have a conscience all it does is fuck with me, why do i have this torment all i wanna do is fuck it away…. buy […]

not bad…

How evil are you?

get back in the fiery water!

well, had my first river floating experience…and i must say it isn’t all that grand…i had fun with the company of friends of course, however the floating in a boat down the river for 3 hours didn’t really tickle my fancy. i am biased, though, since i can’t swim, so my nerves were pretty ramsacked […]

miraculous underbelly

in the words of the mighty jeffk… OMEFGG, MIEDGATTS TONIET AT THE NIETGHT TRIEPPSS!!!!!!!!!!1111111 i was wanting to hit ikon…i am celebrating a friend’s bday though so its his plans…and i might be hitting depot. i’d kinda like to see the midgets just to say that i’ve seen a midget stripper…but i guess we’ll see […]

i know…

it’s been a while. my 2 new hafadas are healing cleanly and quickly it seems…i’m working on making a dvd set of the Kingdom Hospital tv series…i watched bubba hotep and laughed my ass off…i watched LOTR and wanted to crawl around like gollum…and i just got Ichi the Killer on dvd from my cousin, […]