dreamland of the D

i had another dream about her, about D, and this one was a bit more misunderstood.  i’m not totally sure how i should see it, but all i remember is we were in some type of hotel type building or something, and we were trying to find a way to an event we were going to.  the part i remember was walking down a hallway and she put her hands against my waist, so i grabbed them and wrapped them around my chest in a backwards hug.  i felt an energetic sensation, everything felt great, and as both of us were beaming smiles i spun her around to kiss her, and looked her in the eye and put my hands on her cheeks and leaned in and she had this apprehension in her eyes…so i said “kiss me” and she said no, no what are you doing?  i can’t do this…and walked away and disappeared…i spent the majority of the dream after that chasing her around trying to explain and apologize or something…

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