and again….

had more strange dreams last night…i hardly remember much of it, i know i should write it after i have it so i don’t lose it so quickly. i do remember seeing crystal in it, she was frantically looking through some large house for something, i was following with her room to room and she was acting like i wasn’t even there. almost like she didn’t even want to see me, like she wouldn’t even look at me, but not in a hateful way. other part i remember some girl…i guess i really had deep feelings for her, i just remember us briefly talking and that she had another, and near the end her family told me she was leaving with another guy, and i remember them showing me a ticket that said “corpus christi” and so it was like i would NEVER get her if i didn’t act…like it was terribly far away or something…so i made the move as she was in teh car with her guy, and both of us realized we were in love…and of course pissed a lot of people off, but i guess that’s how it works. oh, i also remember flying at some point, i think it was in the house with crystal. i do believe my new method of travel seems to work, that if i concentrate on moving to an object faster, then i will. it doesn’t work just thinking myself to move faster, it’s like i have to focus on a point and move myself toward it. a little more practice and i should have it down well. i’m getting fatter again, i really need to start doing something about this gut of mine. my torso is getting too thick. i need a good regiment to work strictly on my stomach. hell we have a weightroom at work, maybe i should start working out fully now.

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