well i had another interesting dream…i’m trying to keep track of these things in the hopes that i’ll have an easier time remembering in the future.
i remember distinctly being in some sort of impending disaster, like we were in a car and something was going to explode or blow up or melt or something. it was like we were trapped inside a traffic tunnel of some sort, and emergency teams were there…they were rolling a large piece of black plastic over our heads, in some weird attempt to shield us from what was going to happen…i kept thinking in my head that it’s only going to melt or tear and it wasn’t going to protect anything, but i went along with the idea and covered us up. by us i mean me, scott and some girl, i don’t remember her face. we did this, i don’t think anything happened…at least not that i remember.
later i was inside some bar or something, and it turned out to be night trips, but it wasn’t really night trips. it was a different building, i’ve been in there before in another dream, same place and same idea that it was night trips. we ran into some people that we didn’t really know, like some of the people i was with knew them, but not me. i was drunk and was acting drunk, i couldn’t maintain composure or keep my thoughts clear…i remember seeing some guys there and one of them yelled at my friend…i told him he really sounds like a girl. turns out he was gay and didn’t get pissed but happy he sounded feminine. we ended up hanging out with him and his gay pals and they knew all the girls or something, so we were mingling with the gals…i then saw jezebel without all the original tattoos…she hugged me and asked me if i would accept her for all she is…and i told her yes. (must be some symbolism dealing with superficiality or something in my mind) shortly after i remember being on a bus with these people going somewhere, they were telling me stories of the things i did while i was drunk and such, i remember one saying some girl was in love with me but she was really fat, and the guy yelled to her “he doesn’t like you!” then he realized it was mean and said “no i mean he doesn’t like your SUV!” (i thought it was funny)
there was also something to do with a house…something about the back yard and some mexicans coming into my backyard and i told them “NO STEAL!” i tried to explain that they can take what is trashed or littered but not to steal my stuff…very strange.
then i woke up!