more dreams

ok, i don’t remember all the details on this one, i just remember being part of some “group” and it was almost like we were Voltron…i remember 2 members climbing into this giant machine as i was watching, and i remember afterwards it was like a toy, i was flipping switches and such and it was punching and doing toy things. we were protecting others against these folk dressed in black, but i don’t know what the threat really was. it became apparent that i was some integral part of the “good guys” but i don’t know how involved. shortly after the dark folk arrived, they disappeared, as if either scared away or “defeated” by us…and then my folk were gone as well and i seemed to be inside some store, like Target…and some old man was smiling at me, and i told him thank you, and he was trying to indicate that i was a good choice to be part of the group, i guess i had been chosen.

something after that it seems like i was inside a game or something or other, like being pk’d …who knows what that’s all about.

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