so there you have it…my life has gone to utter shit in a month. everything was great for a while…my life was happy, i had wonderful people to share my time with…and it all comes crashing down during my Aquarian cycle. the person i loved turned her back on me and denies ever feeling anything, i nearly get evicted for having a refrigerator in my yard, discover sent me a summons to sue me and i’m sure the others are close behind…and now i’m filing bankruptcy, which depletes any and all savings i had. i have been reduced to nothing. i feel so utterly empty and desolate right now it’s not even funny. i don’t like this, i don’t like feeling like this, i don’t want to be this way. all my happiness has been stripped away in a matter of days, and it’s all my fault. i’m sitting here fighting tears realizing all the things that have happened that i probably could have prevented, i have no one left to cry to, no one to hold me and tell me everything will be ok…no one to share in my pain and emotion…my life is shit and i wish i was someone else right now, someone that was favored. teach me my fucking lesson, reduce me to the lowest form…show me what i’ve done wrong…i’ll hurt and i’ll be destroyed…