Monthly Archives: March 2005


i cant fucking sleep….i’ve been half awake since 3am tossing and turning. this fucking blows. its fucking storming outside too, has been all night. of course it’s the solstice, nature needs to show some power. i had a good reading last night from ays’ friend, my cards are showing improvement. still…fire was highly visible in […]

mother fucker….

someone really needs to hide my keyboard and phone from me when i’m drunk…



….i hate this. i hate feeling like this, i hate reacting like this. i don’t know what feels real anymore and what is just a rudimentary reaction… i’ll miss you. i do, i will, i always have. it’s hard to push things out of my midn when i know that something happened when i first […]


hi…i’m the victim..i feel so upset and uncomfortable…and you’re the single cause of it. since you’re the one to blame for making me feel this way, i’m going to be sure and be in your face as much as possible, especially when i don’t have to because i’m selfish and it only matters if I’M […]


had lunch with nadine and irvina today…nadine’s last day. it was nice…it will be sad to watch her leave, she’s always been nice to me.

st pats

last night was awesome…i got to dress up and actually go celebrate st pattys day with other people celebrating st pats day…lots of people wearing crazy hats and crazy shirts, i was one of about 3 or 4 wearing a kilt. it was a great time…just like last year. we went to the same place […]

new pics

posted more pics of me before i left for st pats day last night, dressed to the T. check my photo album.

my dream…3/15

ok, i don’t remember a whole lot of detail, i just remember being somewhere and running into her at a party or a store or something weird. she was alone, and we talked like normal and were both really excited to see each other. the emotions started running high and we hugged and smiled a […]

every time i kiss you i’m going to taste 36 other guys….

i love Clerks…this has to be my favorite scene… YOU SUCKED 36 DICKS? i think i’m gonna be sick……. VERONICA Bye (to DANTE) That was Snowball. DANTE Why do you call him that? VERONICA Sylvan made it up. It’s a blow job thing. DANTE What do you mean? VERONICA After he gets a blow job, […]