i think i figured out what my problem is lately. my problem is everyone else. if it weren’t for them, things would be great i’m sure. so many of you just simply suck and you’re taking up my fresh air by breathing and being alive. most of you don’t contribute anything beneficial to my life or my existence, so why do i keep you around? i think it’s time i start cleaning my “buddy list” of life. no more one sided friendships. no more quick forgiveness. no more excuses of naivety. if you fuck up, take responsibility. don’t say it wasn’t intentional because it was. don’t tell me it’s my fault that YOU’VE chosen to do something. don’t try to explain that i’m being unreasonable. don’t preach that i’m “just not the right one” when i am. keep your mouths shut and suck it up. be aware of your actions and especially be aware of their repercussions. we have free choice and we exercise it well. dont pretend that it wasn’t a conscious decision that you’ve made, you did it, deal with the consequences. victims are we all. quit being pussies about everything you fucks, stand up for your words and quit trying to pretend things aren’t what you wanted.