more weird dreams…as usual i guess…this time of the she-hag, somehow it was some weird surprise…like, i was at my parents house and saw her little sister walk in, so like i knew she was close…and my sister called me over and it was some rouse that she was “selling cleaning supplies” or some crap…i just remember looking at her and losing my breath, my heart and throat just sorta locked up and we looked at each other much the same way…then both of us just cried and cried as we hugged. we didn’t leave each other’s side for the rest of the space of the dream, we just sat in my bedroom talking and wrapped in each other’s arms…and i told her it feels great to hold her again, she said she feels terrible…so i got a bit upset at that, and she looked at me and said ‘no, i feel terrible because i’m lying to my bf about how i feel’ and shortly after that i remember waking up. other than that, i dreamt of a bartender i’ve met, very strange…but she worked at like target or something, i don’t get that one at all. also have to remember that i think i saw her jogging in lafortune and ask her about that.