so, in reference to the other post on this subject, this is what i have recently observed. if a girl has little to no friends, especially none that are close, they will most likely cling to a guy MUCH quicker and easier than they should. they have found themselves desperate for attention and companionship and they will force themselves to believe that they must stay with this guy, because if they don’t…they’re left with NO one. when a girl makes a guy her entire world and entire life, she’s not even a person anymore…she’s just a placeholder. these girls also will not leave this guy because they have nothing else outside of him. and if they break up, she’ll just find the next one. there is no picking and choosing, there is no decisions, it’s simply…the first guy asking them out that is cute and that’s who they pick. there are exceptions to this…they are the single girls with hardly any friends that are bitter and always bitching about how terrible men are and how blah blah…they’re crabby. they may not be single because they aren’t attractive, they’re probably single because they’re bitches. at least they’re being picky, but their bad attitudes don’t make them appealing to be around. there was one of them on my floor, she’s a man hater and dated the first guys that would say something nice to her, and then just be bitchy about everything. who knows. then of course we have the girls with plenty of friends…but probably no real close friends. the socialites…they’re emptier than most, they don’t like making committments to friends and don’t like opening up, so they date men that are in their same class…blocky, dumb, and well dressed. they make nice tokens, don’t they? empty girls like empty guys. it is often said that we go for someone that seems as how we seem ourselves. it’s not true for me, i can say that with certainty. it also isn’t 100%, but generally a person without true friends are still lonely and only looking for that first person to show them attention, and then they cling to it like a rabid bulldog. enough on them, the other group would be the meat of the group…the tasty ones…the girls that have close friends and have companionship…they don’t need a fucking thing from guys…we’re just 2nd on the list in happiness…and i think that’s good. they want to keep their independence and keep their routines without having to devote their life to some dude. these girls are usually the ones seen laughing and enjoying themselves while with friends or even alone. they’re also busy…have plans all the time, always doing something, always very cheerful. of course, these people can have darker turmoil from being so jovial…happiness can have its adverse effects on us as well…sometimes we get sick of being all nice all the time. but generally…these are the girls that make great friends and you probably don’t realize that you like them as much as you do. hmm……maybe more to come…. oh, lest i forget… the fucking clingers…they rank in the first group, the ones with no friends of their own save maybe one or two that are close. they usually talk bad about their social acquaintances, two faced, jealous….etc. these girls like to move group to group with new guys each time, and since they have no friends of their own, their whole world becomes the world of their bf. this is bad for both parties of course, the guy needs his own identity OUTSIDE of her, as does she…but usually if the girl has made this move it’s too late for both of them. i’ve had girls do this…and only realized when it was too late. the bad thing with these girls…most of them never realize how much the guy’s friends actually dislike her…and the guy usually has no clue either. sad. if you’re a guy…with a girl…and you ONLY hang out with YOUR guy friends and none of them have or bring girlfriends…you’re “this” guy and you need to fucking knock it off. you’re just embarrassing yourself and you should just stay home with your new little friend. both of you have your heads up each other’s asses and you can’t tell what goes on around you anyway, so quit taking up space. most of this is relative, however, to the location this “couple” is going. most of the time though…it’s just dumb. you…your gf….and all your guy friends…is not fun for anyone. *EDIT* this is a prelim thought…and is not fully completed.