Quickie: You’re so ahead of your time. Like a time traveler. Interesting, what you think of! Overview: Acting on impulse has never been on your top ten list of things you just can’t bring yourself to manage, and speaking your mind has also never been a problem. That goes double for now. Better hire a bodyguard. If you’re at all worried that you might say or do something to offend someone, especially if you’re pretty darned sure about who it is and what the situation might be, take someone along for the ride who’s equipped to mediate in situations such as this. You know who to ask — because you’ve probably had to call on them in the past for just such a reason. Remember, too, that it’s not you they’ll be watching out for. It’s anyone who gets in your way or challenges your opinions. ——- Ask a friend to set you up. It’s a great time for meeting new people and making new connections. Sure, blind dates are uncomfortable, but that’s not a good enough reason to stay home. –hah! bullshit!