Monthly Archives: September 2005

the best advice about katrina…

i will NOT do this to beyonce!

fried arms

nice beard……

new words

The Japanese have bakku-shan – a girl who appears pretty from behind but not from the front.

its always teh gawdamm dolphins…,6903,1577753,00.html

are stars pointy?

i’m bored…….and restless…i feel something needs to happen, which maybe it will this weekend, maybe a moment i’m looking for, or maybe a situation, or an instance…an event? something. or maybe it’s not even that.


Overview: You’re exuding sensuality no matter what you wear and where you go. Expect to attract lots of people who are outside of your usual sphere of experience — although for you, that’s pretty broad anyway. buy cialis overnight delivery viagra money order

cluck cluck

WHO’s goin chicken huntin? WE’s goin chicken huntin……cut a motha fuckin chicken up……

these are awesome……