grapes are fun

i have a headache…i don’t know why. i haven’t slept well lately, so i’m sure that’s part of it. i’ve also cut out large dinner and late dinner, i’ve eaten like, nothing this week after lunch. i eat too much anyway, i know i know…eat and be healthy…but i have to find my medium first. i eat small breakfast, large lunch, and nothing for dinner. it’s a slow step toward hopefully getting in a better eating routine. i HAVE to go back to the gym next week, i’ve been gone too long. i can tell i’m losing stature and definition. seems its gonna be a lifetime of upkeep…dunno if i’m ready for all that, but maybe sometime in the future i can buy some workout equipment to just maintain so i can at least keep what i get. who knows, long time away. and she-hag, thanks for reminding me with the comments about the pics…that i’ve picked up MUCH hotter girls than i’ve been messing with lately. you’re probably one in a million though, you’re just the rare one that gave me a real chance.

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