Monthly Archives: September 2005

protection with trojan….

all tests came back negative. buy 10 mg cialis cheap viagra substitute

my new quote

“champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends”


…this is what you make me do….

grapes are fun

i have a headache…i don’t know why. i haven’t slept well lately, so i’m sure that’s part of it. i’ve also cut out large dinner and late dinner, i’ve eaten like, nothing this week after lunch. i eat too much anyway, i know i know…eat and be healthy…but i have to find my medium first. […]

sexy man


36- 24- 36…i want lots of pretty chicks……

my new Twiztid quote

…i’m outta luck like a slut with nobody to fuck…

another dragon sighting

my heart breaks as a screen….:(

my fucking sidekick got screwed up today…i had it in my pocket and apparently something in there pushed into the screen and caused much damage to the LCD crystals…so now there’s a big black spot covering half of it 🙁 mother fuckers…all this time, i’ve dropped it…used it all the time…sat on it…and nothing. one […]


i haven’t felt the way…i feel today…in so long it’s hard for me to specify…..