Monthly Archives: November 2005

a lost face…

there was a girl at the show last weekend…that really stood out…and i’ll never know her name…usually those are the most alluring, the most deadly… will i ever find her? ever see in her eyes?

mmmm mmm bitch!

man i love Rubicon…  

3 fucking am…

and i’m still awake…and i can’t sleep….which is oxymoronic for me to say that “im still awake” and “i can’t sleep” isn’t it? i keep thinking of that weird bit from teh old STP song….”where did (mary?) go….and where’s my last cigarette….” work will come so early tomorrow…actually i need to be awake in about […]

time denomination…

so much to type and say, so little time…… we wait just a bit longer.


Daily Flirt: Your connections are the key to making the day spectacular. It might be as simple as getting into the big party or as crazy as a whirlwind blind date that takes your breath away. Daily Singles: Plenty of new connections are possible now — expand your network of friends, both online and off. […]


steps…walking…feet…legs…i hear you, the rustle of your clothing as you walk around the room…the skin you hide under that clothing…how warm is your skin? would you be cold to the touch, or warm and moist from perspiration? would you have a taut stomach…or the small fluffy roll that so many girls have…just enough to pinch, […]

sigh…again…as the leaves drop and change…

now again i have thoughts of you…the weather drops and icy chills hit my skin…all the times we spent when the weather was cold, locked up and locked away from the world…we had each other, we kept each other smiling…we’d snuggle on the couch and watch tv or play video games…and the time we spent […]