
steps…walking…feet…legs…i hear you, the rustle of your clothing as you walk around the room…the skin you hide under that clothing…how warm is your skin? would you be cold to the touch, or warm and moist from perspiration? would you have a taut stomach…or the small fluffy roll that so many girls have…just enough to pinch, and not enough to call fat… silk? cotton? lace? nylon? what would you wear…and would it depend on the day? the clothing? the temperature? whether or not you’re going to get fucked that night? whether or not you’re TRYING to get fucked that night? woud you wear pants to hide your unshaven legs, or would you keep them baby smooth all year around? how would your legs feel if i touched them right now? are your knees sensitive to the touch? perhaps the underside of them? how ever slightly would you gasp at my touch…of my fingertips nearing your skin…or my proximity…of my lips near your neck, near your ears…near your own lips…would you close your eyes? would you stare at me and tremble? or would you be forceful…would you initiate it…would you take charge…or be entirely submissive…

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