
I Live: because someone else has allowed me to.

I Talk: to anyone that speaks to me

I Wish: people wouldn’t put up with bullshit

I Enjoy: playing in the rain

I Look: for lost souls

I Find: truth through pain and experience

I Smell: like the beach

I Listen: to everyone

I Hide: my own pain so that i may help others

I pray: that everything will work out as it should

I Walk: on treadmills

I Write: everything imaginable

I See: the pain you try to hide behind your eyes

I Sing: in the car, rarely in the shower

I Laugh: when other people are happy

I Can: make anyone smile

I Watch: everyone

I Learn: from mistakes, my own and others’

I dream: about things you’d never understand

I Want: to know someone will be there for me

I Cry: when others cry

I Burned: my hands trying to hold stars that weren’t meant for me

I Read: people

I Love: beauty

I Sometimes: hide myself so that others don’t get close to me

I Touch: lives

I Hurt: when i’m unable to fix someone’s heart

I Fear: becoming something else

I Hope: at least someone can learn from me

I Break: stereotypes

I Eat: meat

I Quit: believing the unworthy ones would change

I Bathe: often

I Drink: vodka

I Save: memories

I Hug: to give and receive compassion

I meditate: on why people lose themselves in trying to fit in

I Miss: lying in bed with someone and talking until sunrise

I Hold: my tongue, sometimes

I Forgive: those who ask and deserve it, and the She-Hag

I Drive: cars

I Have: a lot of stories

I Don’t: cheat

I Made: someone feel good about themself

I Kiss: to have my head swirl and to lose my balance

I Believe: most people have potential

I Feel: happy…generally

I Know: i’ll always be there to pick you up

I Wonder: if i’ll ever understand

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