Monthly Archives: February 2006


so i skipped a few days of writing…i was occupied in other ways. …several people wanted my mardi gras mask this weekend…fuckers. boobs aren’t worth my mask! even though i could have bought another mask…but then again…the boob offers weren’t from the hottest of girls… ugh i’ve felt sick lately…stomach pains…i wish i could say […]

indifference pt2

Will my apathy and lack of respect for others mold me into a monster? Would i become like “them?” If i retain my empathy and sympathy for others…does that make me something other than human…since by societal standards…no one gives a shit about other people anymore? I watch people daily…not notice what they do to […]


had a weird dream…matt m was driving in red bud valley and i was following him, i lost him in the curves and came around and he’d wrecked his ‘stang into a police car!


Have we as a society become so apathetic that we are losing touch with our own responsibilities as a culture? How often do we see someone on the side of the road with car trouble…who would stop? Or a person trying to carry groceries or bags out a door…who would open it? Have we degenerated […]

what more do i need? horo 2/22

Overview: Immerse yourself in art, whatever your medium is. Pull out the needle and thread, the hammer and saw, or simply take a walk with a sketchbook in hand. It’s time to explore your own ability to create.

something new….

for some reason, i think it’s really starting to set in that i want to write, that i want to create…that i want to do something that i can share with others and perhaps make a difference. i don’t mean save the world, i mean make a difference in their opinions, their eyes, their outlook, […]


i almost fuckin forgot, i had a dream of a gwar show last night, very small crowd and casual, and they weren’t in costume. just the dudes standing there singing in this small club! wtf….. i remember Brockie sitting in a chair singing while the other guys were up playing. buy cialis overnight delivery viagra […]

you make me want to punch a baby

with your annoying fucking voice and your cunt-like attitude.


coulrophobia, as fear of clowns is clinically known.

i’m not the only one…

What if I could say to you Of what you wanted Would not do What if I could say Say to you Of what you wanted Of what you could do Huh Huh Huh Huh What you want Is something you need And what you’ve wanted Is something I bleed Could you say to me […]