Gospel of Judas

so, the new gospel…it’s interesting, very provocative…and it places Judas as the best friend of Jesus, not his angry betrayer as the Bible mostly describes.
Judas betrayed Jesus because he was asked and requested to do so, to fulfill Jesus’ time on earth, not because he wanted money.

Amalia Wilson Smith
I just want to know why is it that I never find anything old and cool? I mean, come on… People all over are finding books that are 100’s of years old, little glass figures that cost thousands of dollars, fossils, missing links… I saw these people that pulled a sword out of their basement that was from 1200 A.D. I mean, what the fuck? I just want to find one thing more than 50 years old.
Anyway, yeah, cool, great… I sure whoever found it is rich.
Alright, realistic, it’s interesting but I don’t think it checnges anything execpt we know Jesus created the whole story and wanted to be killed to prove a point not because it was destined 🙂
Yay, Jesus liked suicide!
Reply(1)5 years ago

Daniel Self
that’s REALLY interesting you mention that, the interview i heard talked about that idea too, that it really almost sounds suicidal with his intentions. but then again, how fine of a line is there between suicide and martyrdom?
5 years ago

~Proud Mama~
Personally, I think the Bible was probably mistranslated many times over. I mean think about it….the King James version is called that because historically he sat a bunch of priests down and told them to translate whatever books/scrolls they were given by a certain date or they would be killed. So, if you were in those priests’ shoes what would you do if you got a bit stumped on a translation? Or thought you were almost out of time to translate your portion?
But that’s just my two cents worth.
Reply5 years ago

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