Came to, started resonating, became very intense around my forehead, it became hard to focus, and I felt threatened. I could feel something watching me, but I couldn’t find it. Eventually I got my eyes open to see the reflection in the TV of a creature sitting on my bed watching me. A small horned creature. I tried to shrug it off and eventually relaxed enough to slip out. I started floating up and kept thinking about “I want to go to Sutherlands to see crystal” to try to give myself a destination to get to. I floated out flowly and subsided my fear of the creature. I rose through the ceiling and out into the daylight. It was beautiful outside and no snow or cold. I was rising higher and it was becoming a little uncontrolled. I regained direction of my movement but eventually found myself somewhere foreign and seeing no one I knew. It was a medieval setting, some type of castle. I remember the sensation of the others seeing me as some type of notable figure, a wizard type or something. I came across some type of enemy, I believe it was a beast, not a person, but I don’t remember. I held up my hands in defense to use an energy attack, but it wasn’t there. The enemy seemed amused at this as I stared at my hands and focused. I started seeing a thin blue charge and my hands began feeling the prickling sensation of an electrical charge. I held my hands toward the enemy and focused on it and immobilized it. I continued down the hall hastily, feeling like I was being pursued. I came across a small white dragonlike beast with no wings. It was about the size of a horse. It was beautiful, and I stared in awe as it spoke to me, telling me it would carry me out. It was soft scaled and furry (sorta reminded me of Falcor from neverending story). I climbed on its back and grabbed its harness and we took off flying. We didn’t go far when we came across another enemy, and to protect the creature I was on, I stopped its attack and left my dragon so it would be safe. I came to some type of boiler room where something was needing help. I was staying hidden and working my way around while the guards weren’t looking and someone was throwing stuff to me, like weapons and rocks. The guards eventually noticed and came into the room to find me. There was a crack in the ground near me, so I jumped in it on my back. It was dark and shadowed so I couldn’t be seen. The guards were standing around me looking at the items that were thrown to me, trying to figure out why. A smaller child had stepped into the crack a couple of times, barely missing my leg. I slowly pulled my hands further down off my chest so they couldn’t be seen, but the boy noticed. They surrounded me, but I kept still as they prodded me to see if I was alive. The child put his hand on my neck checking for a pulse and declared I was not alive. They sat and stared, but didn’t move. I slowly noticed my breathing get heavier and deeper, and was sure they would notice, but they just kept questioning who I was and why I was there. My breathing became more distinct, and I lost focus and came to, lying in the position in my bed that I was in the crack. I think I heard a voice helping me a couple of times but it may have been another character in the dream. At one point in the boiler room I remember a small passage of flame I couldn’t make myself pass through. There were a couple of furnaces to the sides, and a fiery pit in the floor covered with a grate. I couldn’t tell myself it wouldn’t hurt me. After this was when I crawled into the crack. Several times I passed through solids, I floated through my ceiling when I got out of my room, and also through different walls and locked doors. It seems like I was being pursued for escaping from somewhere, but I don’t remember clearly. I know at one point I was in a secure room with a large door that I wasn’t supposed to get out of, and I had trouble going through it, but I did eventually. I had focused electric energy through my hads at one point also, it felt very much like a van de graff machine, strong static current. Sharp and prickly, like small stabbing needles.