the dog, the lady, and the pink mouse

Dream experience, circa 1998.


…in bed, lady walks in asking questions and a man followed with her.  Later this thing, looked like a dead dog asked “is it in Heaven?”  I felt a swelling in my chest and then patterned hard breathings from me (almost like a dry bark) then the numbing of the mind and visions of explosions and spiraling through an expanse…and then I notice his pet that he brought.  He left, and the animal that stayed was like a cross between a mole and a badger, and I think the size of a medium dog.  It was blue.  I told it to get the fuck off my bed and it snarled and lunged at me.  I grabbed it and twisted it’s neck, and asked if there was anything else around.  The lady was still standing in the corner of the room.  A white thing flew at me from the open door.  The size and shape of a seal, white, a long snout, and possible small webbed frills near the face.  I had a pillow in my hand, I was now standing on the bed, and I caught it in the pillow and twisted its neck as well.  The lady in the room, now a little upset, tossed her creature, a small pink robotic mouse.  I grabbed it to look, and it seems like it had razors for teeth or something.  I grabbed the lady and pushed her face down on the bed and held the mouse on the back of her neck.  It burrowed in, and she stood up, surprised and pissed off.  She was topless, and I could see the mouse running around through her skin.


Earlier in the morning before this one, had paralysis dream, woke up and saw myself shaking my head and feet – heard lorraine in hallway tell me “shutup you are being a baby” (or something).  And then it hit me that I was paralyzed and dreaming.  After she walked out of the room, this thing came in.  it was tall, near 7 feet probably, long thin limbs, black pants or legs, white torso and arms or shirt.  Didn’t recognize a face, arms open and extended, standing or slightly floating above me and the edge of the bed.


There was also a memory of the old trailer I lived in, walking down the hallway, something waiting beside the other end, nothing really visible though.


Also at some point had dream of being in a game type dream, walking down a corridor of a castle, very simple.  Saw an open portcullis and a small troop (human or otherwise) I jumped for the door but missed slightly.  I grabbed the ledge but slipped.  I fell to a more open space and realized I was on a floating land mass.  I fell again and began to plummet into nothingness, and then I remembered “oh I can fly” and wings expanded from my back and I woke up.


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