Monthly Archives: November 2006

more sleepytime goodness.

well, not really goodness.  more like stressfulness. there are too many players from my dream last night to remember and to accurately discuss, but most of them weren’t the focus anyway. some reason Shehag was in it, i don’t know how i got there…i was in a house with her, a huge house…i mean HUGE.  […]

i’ve wondered…

is she still watching? does she still see? how often am i observed? do my words fall on broken and empty hearts? you’re fine without me…i realize this now… i wanted to be the one to save you, but i was only the one to show you your true path…

the incessant thoughts…

you’ve been the thing i’ve wanted to see, the times i’ve wanted to have, the hands i’ve wanted to feel. in a dark time when i was ready to admit defeat…i found something.  something that shines…something that makes me smile.  at first i thought it was a fleeting moment…but it grew.  my eyes used to […]