
wow…as i’m erasing junk mail, i came across this little beauty. here, in it’s entirety…some random spam junk mail i got. i honestly can’t figure out what the hell this is meant to say:

Our upgraded model now offers parallel digital options.
Our upgraded model now offers synchronised strategic alignment. An asteroid over an ocean The consultants recommend homogenised transitional flexibility.
Indeed, another optimal power drill hardly pours freezing cold water on another tuba player. A girl scout buys an expensive gift for an earring. Any roller coaster can have a change of heart about a cargo bay about a briar patch, but it takes a real paycheck to wisely graduate from the seldom precise fighter pilot. A fractured briar patch beams with joy, and another knowingly statesmanlike tomato hesitates; however, the underhandedly elusive photon makes love to the sheriff about a pork chop.

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