my muse has returned…

Seriously…you have no idea…watching you smile, watching you laugh,
the way you casually touch my arms, the way you brush up on me, you
giggle and wrap around me in public….

Its simply amazing. It is how I remember us being, and its how I’ve
been wanting things to be. I’m glad that we are finding our way back
to “us” and how we were so inseperable and in love instead of our
complications and dissonance.

And in lieu of that…of course…it increases my desire to be so close
to you, the way we lie with all parts of our bodies touching as we
sleep, how your gentle fingers and hands find mine in the dark and
under the pillows, how your soft hair rests right underneath my cheek as we
sleep. I feel your every breath against me and you lull me to sleep
while feeling so content just having you in my arms.

Things have been amazing again…

And all this only makes my heart beat faster for you and the next time
we truly connect in passion and bliss, I can picture the look in your
eyes…your tossled hair…your hot breath on my neck as your face is
pressed into me in joy…the way your body quivers under my touch…


The Dalai Mama
Reply4 years ago

The Dalai Mama
F-ing gross. Seriously, I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
Reply4 years ago

thomas dunlap
fuckin’ fag
Reply4 years ago

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