Year Zero

just in case you folks have passed up the new NIN album, “Year Zero,” go check it out. you can listen to all the songs from the myspace page even. go listen. quit dicking around and do it.

ok honestly, it took a while to absorb.
first run through…i didn’t like it. so i listened again. meh…not sure. third time…ok this is interesting. fourth time…i’m catching the beats and rhythms and i’m nodding and tapping. fifth time…ok this fucking rocks.
i’ve listened to it quite a bit since, and each time it just got better and better. some of the songs have some less than interesting lyrics and content, which is a bit of a letdown. ok, to be fair, less than interesting to ME. i prefer some of the older, deeper stuff, and some of these songs are bordering on topical and political, but that of course…is the theme.
sure…some of you think it’s all noise…and, in fact, it is. it’s very noisy, and can sound very annoying at first listen. the tones and sounds are off, and they don’t hit the ears well, but you have to give it time to really sink in. it’s almost like…your brain doesn’t want to understand it properly because it’s so substandard and non-linear.
anyway…his voice is great as always, he hasn’t lost his touch and bringing chills and anger with his screams and vocals. a great investment…so go pick it up.


I’ve listened to it obsessively since it came out, I just can’t stop.
Reply4 years ago

Duran Durangela
I told you you’d like it 🙂
Reply4 years ago

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