i can’t seem to start what i want to say. sadly…the world shall never see it, as i’m going to try something unique for me…and write with pen and paper. what i write is going to have one recipient, and i’m not sure that it will ever be shown again publicly.
or then again…perhaps it will, depending on the reaction and the desire from the person for it to be seen.
i have my inspiration…but i can’t find the perfect way to start…i can’t find the perfect word for the beginning. perhaps soon. i’m sure it will come to me when i least expect it.
as for me?
i’m happy. i’m not just content. i’ve lost a lot of time that i won’t get back, but i’m sure it was for the best and it’s always a lesson learned, though a lesson i knew already. for now…it’s at least reinforced and i won’t make the same mistake again.
Duran Durangela
In the beginning there was semen.
Um, I don’t know why I felt the need to quote The Faint. But you shuold stop being so emo.
jk <3 Reply4 years ago Blake Cover I hope you won't make the same mistake again. I keep falling into the same mistake again and again. You'd have thought that I learned my lesson. Reply(1)4 years ago Daniel Self that's because we tragically want to believe that people are going to be different this time around, when in fact...they're always the same. i'm done giving girls the benefit of the doubt when i know that...i'm right. 4 years ago