i know i said i thought i was done making my “day” posts, but today was very noticeably painful.
well, ok, day 12, withdrawal headache is back to being intense. that’s about it. not too blinding, but very tight around my temples. but…otherwise…that’s my only symptom i’m feeling. well, and a bit of apathy and disassociation, and a light loss of interest in pursuing things i know i want to pursue. maybe it’s just a bit of helplessness and hopelessness that will pass. i’ll find my way back.
as for the weekend….went out friday night with Walela for her bday…good times indeed. i don’t know why we thought we were going to drink all that beer we bought…also turns out Lela has some cute friends she’s been hiding from me…
saturday…i was going to go check out a black Celica, but my brother wanted to go to Rocklahoma instead, so…i saw the end of Firehouse, Warrant, and the new Skid Row. i must say, even without Sebastian Bach, the new skid row kicked a bit of ass. definitely a strong stage performance. after that…i was going to go out…but something knocked me down and i just couldn’t find motivation or energy. i ended up passing out before midnight…slept nearly all day sunday, save a few hours here and there for eating. i did go visit an old friend, she’s as cute as ever 🙂 that and i kicked her ass royally at Soul Calibur 2 on ps2. years of toys r us…it always pays off with video games.
and today..hoping to go check out the car i didn’t get to see, and maybe buy it. i want one now, it’s too damn hot without A/C. i’m going insane from the heat.
i’ve also had some very intense dream and sleep issues the past couple days…but i need to wrap my mind around them and put them into words. it’s all too scattered and jumbled right now, but soon.