day 7

here we are at day 7. today is an “on” day, i’m a little jittery, but i had a lot of caffeine too. sometimes it’s hard to tell which is affecting me, the meds or outside influences. my stomach is a mess again today too. i think i’ve narrowed that down though, i got this new kiwi strawberry punch from Reasors and have been mixing it with vodka, and i think that it isn’t settling well with me. i haven’t really been too anxious or stressed about things though, so i don’t think it’s my nerves causing my stomach the unrest, i think it’s possibly the punch. time to go back to diet mt dew and vodka.
other news, i finally got bumped to full time at my job, starting friday. so that means…well, 32 more hours a month, equalling lots of cash. definitely will help with my car search since i’ll have more disposable income. plus i can start buying dvds again, my collection has been sitting at 540 for a while and i need to shoot for 600 by the end of the year.
tonight should be a good night. i’ll try to take lots of pics again.
i want to see the new harry potter, i’ve been hearing great things.


Karissa Mitchell Mcmill…
Mt. Dew and vodka……….fondly referred to as MT. VODKAS at my hizouse, but you gotta have that wedge of lime & preferrably citrus vodka (Smirnoff). Glad about your job going full time, guess that means they like you, huh? : ) Keep up the good work with the meds thing.
Reply4 years ago

Blake Cover
I’m telling you, man. GATORADE. It’s a great mixer because it delivers the alcohol to your bloodstream much quicker. Faster and cheaper drunkeness.
Reply4 years ago

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