when i close my eyes

all i see is her.
every night, every dream, for nearly 2 months now. jezus. this has happened before.
if only you could see what i see.

isn’t it lovely when someone says EXACTLY what you need to hear? i guess it goes both ways…for good and bad. maybe i’ve been lucky enough to have both within the last 7 days. for one…the words that prove you’re a fucking disturbance…and the other…to prove you’re a fucking enlightenment.
but really…flowing beneath the entire issue…i just want to break down. i haven’t yet, but i’ve felt it biting at my soul for so long now. i just need to give in, but i haven’t found that missing piece. you bring me to the edge, right to the point of collapse…but it simply isn’t there.
i just need to go get something pierced…needle in…stress out.
or maybe flogging.
AND NO JUMPING at that offer 😉 you know who you few are!

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