And another crazy dream.
I only remember certain sections of this dream, but it was still enough to rattle me quite a bit. I’m going to try to keep a timeline going to make sure events flow, but I honestly don’t remember everything in sequence.
The first I remember was being in a gym, and talking to a girl that seemed to be much younger than me, early 20s maybe. I remember she had braces, and she was on an elliptical machine next to me, and I was saying how I’d be lucky to make it about 2 minutes and laughing with her. Even at this time, I knew something was wrong in the dream, like, something was impending. Something big. She had a very strange name, it was pronounced Der-shy or Der-shee, something like that. Not darcy, not deshay, there was an R because I questioned it in the dream if she said “de” or “der” and that’s what I remember. Well, there was interaction with this girl for some reason and I don’t remember the relevance, but from there somehow I ended up at a place I don’t know, on a back porch of a house. J. was there, and he was older, and I was supposed to take him some place safe. He had a backpack and travel supplies. My cousin Jason was there as well. I was talking with J. and he was rather upset with me, he just kept asking why I’m not there, why I’m not around, and that it wasn’t fair. He listed a couple of people (that I won’t name) and just how he didn’t like them, and even someone new that didn’t fit the way that I did. He just kept asking why…and I just told him it was something I couldn’t talk about. I explained simply that his mother had done things that weren’t acceptable inside a relationship, and that once those things happen there’s no going back. I told him that he would be safe, and that I would always be there if he needed anything, and that right then, we HAD to go.
So off we went, apparently to my parents house, which as always…was the old trailer and not the house. It rarely seems to be current, almost always it’s as it was when I was young. Apparently whatever was happening was going to be in major places and less eventful in outskirts, so I took him there to the country where hopefully the effects wouldn’t be felt. Also, who knows why…there was a makeshift medical camp in the driveway, complete with expensive medical equipment. This was where, I believe, I met the “girl” of the dream. Always seems to be one that I’m drawn to, or one that I accompany. Well, someone flatlined, and this girl raced over to help, but I don’t know if the person made it or not, or what actually happened. I just knew that we had to leave again, and that we had to go somewhere important. She came with us, or met us, I don’t know which.
Again a bit hazy, but from there we went to a large retail store that had been converted into a staging area. They needed me for something (no, not some insecurity reason…I don’t dream about being “big” because I’m “small” in real life) as some type of intelligence or expert, but I don’t know what about. The events here were blurred, I just remember stacy, my cousin’s wife, was there, and she was some type of organization leader. They named her a title, but I can’t remember what it was now, and they went through several of these titles in a short time, so it wasn’t very diplomatic or important, I don’t know the reasoning. Anyway, the nurse girl was there, I know her name was with an L but I dunno…laura, lori, something maybe. We’ll call her “nurse.” There were military and other government type people there, and a lot of civilians that seemed to either be caught in the middle, or there on purpose.
And then it started happening. I remember the loud noises, the crashes, the ground shaking…the lights flickered a few times, and then went dead. I’d dropped to the floor when this started, as I’d walked further in the building away from everyone as well, and ended up crawling back to the main group since it was dark, and then they kicked on the generators. Whatever was happening had started…but I don’t dare guess at what it was. When I got back to the group they were shouting for us that had to go with them, and no, I wasn’t military, I was there for other reasons, but I don’t know entirely what those reasons were. People were starting to scramble, and I had to find nurse to tell her I had to leave. I ran up to her and she was tending to a patient and she turned and hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek…and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Someone was grabbing me, dressed in a black military jumpsuit, very nondescript. He told me I had to come with him immediately. And instinctively, I told him that I need to see his credentials and he hesitated…and stepped back from me. I don’t think this was a military invasion, because I obviously had a distinct feeling that this person wasn’t…human, or at least wasn’t who he said he was. He backed into the crowd and disappeared, but I didn’t have time to point him out as I was saying goodbye. I hugged her again, and then I hugged stacy…and then I just remember the ground shaking again and the screaming…and then I woke up.