Who knows what I want to say right now…probably not going to be much flow to anything I type right now because I’m just a mess. The thing sticking in the back of my mind is how FUCKED up people can really be…and just how many bad decisions they can continue to make. I mean seriously…shouldn’t we learn from our mistakes? Some people NEVER change. Not even a bit. Everything is exactly the same. And this isn’t just repeating the past mistakes…but creating all new ones too? Wow. I’m just speechless about all of it.
And the part that stings the most is just…how quickly and easily it’s all replaced and forgotten. How the fuck should that make me feel? Why do I believe people will be different? All the signs were there…always. And again, I was still a dirty little secret. Sad part is…no one will ever even know the truth. Girls are professionals at playing the victim and displacing issues to guys, so ultimately it will all be on me. Of course, as soon as I hear any vocalization or questioning of it BEING me, I’m not holding my tongue. That will be expected though. We know that much. I won’t mince words about anything or anyone, there’s no need.
Tell me again how important I was. Tell me again how I meant so much. Tell me again how no one will ever replace the magical way I can hold someone when I sleep next to them. Tell me one more time how your words are as hollow as your heart. Tell me one more time so my head can fill with lies and I can feel fucked up with things I need to forget. Never again. Luxury items over responsibility? Figures…and tell me how much I sound like “him.” As often as I got upset when it was said, I should have paid attention…because we were both being treated the same way. Take care of our issue so I can move on and forget anything ever happened. I’ve got no more time for this and no desire to continue caring. I just want it done and over with as quickly as possible. Hell, maybe all the times I thought ‘he’ was being as asshole…maybe he just wanted the same thing.
She B
good thing we were having sex the whole time you to were together. and see I told you I can take one look at a person and know I hate them for a reason. Im always right daniel get used to it
Reply4 years ago
Mel D W.
hmmm, i barely know you but i know you deserve better than to be treated in this manner !
Reply4 years ago
Christina Replogle
You’re a great guy!! I dated you and we’re still friends… You didn’t do anything wrong.. We just didn’t click like that… Any girl would be lucky to have you! I don’t know who she is… but I bet she’s got a lot of problems and who wants to take all that on….. Feel lucky that it ended now and it didn’t drag on forever…
Reply4 years ago
The Dalai Mama
On second thought, maybe she can’t help it because she is dickmatized.
Reply4 years ago
The Dalai Mama
She’s a selfish whore, Daniel. I believed then and I believe now that she was totally playing with both of you. There are probably others that still have not surfaced.
IT WAS NEVER YOU!!! I dated you, and you were never a creep. There is a reason that we are still close.
I just want to say again that she is a lying manipulative slut. She should stop embarassing herself by talking to ANY of your friends. We all know that you are an honest loyal person and she will NEVER be “in” with any of us…ever.
Oh, and if that bitch has anything to say about what I have said, she can take it up with me not you.
Man it felt great to get that off my chest.
Reply4 years ago