the word of the day is…
1. a wearing down or weakening of resistance, esp. as a result of continuous pressure or harassment: The enemy surrounded the town and conducted a war of attrition.
The Dalai Mama
I got your word of the day right here(grabbing my crotch), Tipper Gore. 😛
Reply3 years ago
Rebecca Daniel
Due to my children, I feel the attrition everyday.
Reply(1)3 years ago
She B
what the hell happened to you last night? no call or nothing. I hate your face
3 years ago
James New
all wars are wars of attrition.
Reply(1)3 years ago
Daniel Self
good point, so when exactly is Iraq gonna stop and say “ALRIGHT!! FUCK! WE GIVE!! JUST QUIT BUGGING US!!”
3 years ago