excerpts from an epiphany…

It’s never been that obvious until you said it just now, and who knows why.

I’ve done this with nearly ever girl I know, ESPECIALLY with XXXX. I offer help, I offer to console, to hug, to talk, to whatever…and there’s always slight hesitation and her acting like she doesn’t care or want to hear it. I think coming from you it just made sense why. I’ve already started this difficult process of cutting out emotion with these people, and you just showed me that I’m on the right path and doing the right thing. It has been difficult not to check on you and the countless others that I’ve stayed close to, but I see that I don’t need to be.

Yes, you appreciate it in your own little way, but not in the way I’ve always thought it was appreciated. I’ve been terribly wrong about my entire attitude. Every sympathetic time I’ve tried to reach out to these people to tell them I’m here to help, I’ve probably just been slicing layers and layers from the emotions between us and creating more and more of a tense void.

I’ve learned a lot this year so far, I’ve seen a lot of things about friends and people I thought were close to me, and it seems my learning isn’t quite done yet. Thank you again for always being honest, that’s the one quality you’ve never strayed with me, regardless of how hurtful.

Mel D W.
and you’ll continue to learn 🙂
Reply3 years ago

She B
hey! why are you so quiet lately? are you just hangin on the DL or u just aint keepin up on me? its just weird man, not too many blogs or comments or calls.
Reply3 years ago

Obi WINE Kenobi
Even though not everyone might appreciate your help and advice, I most certainly do. I don’t know where I’d be without you. And I can’t ever thank you enough.

I love ya.
-sent with love from my sidekick
Reply3 years ago

She B
i do love ya flitz
Reply3 years ago

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