star wars episode 2…unnoticed feature

so, i was watching Episode 2 again today, and i don’t care if you think it’s shit, but i caught a very weird little special effect in the movie i’d never seen.

if you haven’t seen it…and don’t want a scene ruined…don’t read this.

anyway, so, near the middle of the movie when Jar Jar is speaking to the Senate and requesting that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine be granted supreme executive power…it cuts to Palpatine sitting in his little chair smiling, and his eyes are WHITE and dull, like they are when he’s Sith. it’s very brief and very subtle, but he slowly stands up to speak about how he’s honored and won’t take advantage, blah blah…so as he is standing up and starts speaking, his eyes slowly color in from white. pretty sweet little effect, but i wonder how often it is overlooked.

i mean hell…i just noticed, the movie is what, 6 years old now? hell…maybe i’m the idiot that never noticed and everyone knows but me?

David Cummings
I never noticed it, but everyone who watched return of the Jedi knew that Palpatine was gonna be the emperor. Noone probbaly noticed it because back then everyone had crappy standard definition tvs, or else we never noticed because Lucas hadn’t reedited the movie 1000 times already. Anyways Palpatine deserved to be Emperor, because any galactic civilization that gives a fucking retard like Jar Jar Binks a seat in the Council, let alone lets him speak in public deserves to get ran by a fascist.

For more on Jar Jar, check this link out.
Reply3 years ago

The Dalai Mama
Gawd, everyone knows about that! I’m disappointed in you. Dork.
Reply3 years ago

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