the failures of the past.

someone got me into a convo about someone from “way back when” and i guess it just resurfaced some of those emotions from the time.

i miss having a home life.

i miss having security and a partner to laugh with.

i miss having a a girl’s skin next to mine when i sleep.


thing is, you’re all just the same person with a different face. what i find in “them” i can find in others. its the familiarity, and the events can be repeated with anyone else.

being said, its still nice for someone to be there.

Mike Cooper
its only a failure if you fail to learn from the mistakes. peace be with you brother. right intention, right mind.
Reply3 years ago

She B
thats sadly true huh?well until you find the “keeper”
Reply3 years ago

Spoken like a true Aquarian.
Reply3 years ago

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