Monthly Archives: November 2010

the ring

a beautiful disaster. how much you exclaimed you wanted this, and then when presented, how quickly you turned away. what should i believe anymore about all those words? all those emails? where is the truth? was this ever really what you wanted? oh how i loved you, my dear sweet Kellie….

time to come back.

i’ve neglected writing for a while, so now it’s time to return. probably not a lot here, but click over on the right for “iniquity” or “here” for my newer tumblr blog to see my latest thoughts.

One last night

If only I had one last night with you, dear sweet kellie, one last night to prove how much I love you.

and your words from august 22…did they matter?

I’m not good with words. I say things that I don’t mean when I get angry. I don’t know how to stop. I’m sorry for last night. I’m sorry for getting upset with you. I know that it was wrong of me and I should have been more understanding. Unfortunately I can’t take back everything […]

monsters are we all.

“i hate you, you’re an asshole.” the words ring over and over, loudly in my mind. you mean it. it always seemed like a joke, but it’s the one phrase that has been muttered more than others. and maybe i am. and as always…i’m the one that’s wrong, i’m the one that’s damaging, i’m the […]